Traditions & Editions Theatre Circus (TETC) presents
外传统游艺团 呈献
The Spirits Play 灵戏
A multi-lingual performance with English and Mandarin surtitles
以多种语言呈献, 附中英文字幕
The world of spirits is a world of flux. Five post-war personas in a state of limbo gather at a deserted place. Searching for a way home, they stop only to hear each other’s poignant tales of war and loss, endeavors and bygone dreams. Soon, haunting memories of guilt and pain are unveiled and they realize they are tangled to each other in their choices and consequences. With their relationship to each other now clear, they unleash a series of questions about the sense and senselessness of war. 'To die for the motherland is to die in glory!’ against ‘Did we win the battle? Was there any real deed of bravery?’ They start drifting again.
记忆留存, 痛楚不灭, 愧疚接踵至。
Date 日期
13/8 8pm ; 14/8 8pm ; 15/8 3pm/8pm ; 16/8 3pm/8pm
Venue 地点
Studio Theatre, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
Campus 3, 151 Bencoolen Street 黑箱剧场, 南洋艺术学院第三校园
The Spirits Play, one of Singapore’s most important theatre classics, was written by the late Mr Kuo Pao Kun in 1998. It evokes memories from the 20th century Pacific War which swept through Asia and Europe and investigates the guilt, pain and complexities which the war incited. A play that is valued across generations for its universally embracing theme for Asia and the world, and its powerfully delivered message - the triumph of human oral histories over silenced war atrocities. This multi-lingual production unites creative energies across three generations: highly cherished dramatist-playwright Kuo Pao Kun, esteemed director Kok Heng Leun, artistic director of Drama Box and TTRP graduate artists. It is our belief that the living and the deceased are only separated physically but never mentally, spiritually and creatively.
郭宝崑先生创作的《灵戏》是新加坡的经典剧本之一。它唤回我们对二十世纪太平洋战争的记忆,深刻地揭示了战役所带来的痛楚、愧疚、错乱,并回溯这一段被忘却的残酷杀戮。以人道关怀的角度出发, 写于1998年的剧本至今仍受到关注。这部以多种语言呈献的作品,将集合三代艺术工作者的创意巧思——已故剧作家郭宝崑的经典剧本、戏剧盒艺术总监郭庆亮的执导和‘剧场训练与研究课程’毕业生的演绎。虽然大家来自五湖四海,在不同的领域各自发展,但我们深信艺术不分国界,创作的精神、理念是相通的。
Playwright: Kuo Pao Kun (1939-2002)
Director: Kok Heng Luen (Dramabox)
Producer: Peter Sau
编剧: 郭宝崑
导演: 郭庆亮 (戏剧盒艺术总监)
监制: 苏佳亮
FEATURING a stellar cast from 6 countries: Andy Ng (Hong Kong) Beto Ruiz (Meixco) Eemien Sia (Singapore) Lin Pei-Ann, Themis (Taiwan) Miyuki Kamimura (Japan) Mohamed Kunju Noushad (India)
来自六国的强大演员阵容:吴伟硕(香港)/ 谢伊敏(新加坡)/ 林浿安(台湾)/ 上村美裕起(日本)/ Beto Ruiz (墨西哥)/ Mohamed Kunju Noushad (印度)
A non-profit, independent theatre collective established in 2009, comprising 29 graduates (over 4 cohorts) from Theatre Training & Research Programme (TTRP). TETC is based in Singapore, but spans 11 countries- Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Macau, China, Taiwan, Japan, India, Poland and Mexico. Sharing similar artistic sensibilities and emerging from the tutelage of the late Mr Kuo Pao Kun, we have come together to continue the legacy of our mentor’s significant vision of inter-cultural theatre in the world. This is our collective effort to keep alive in practice, his artistic vision and the training methodology expressed in the unique curriculum and inter-cultural approaches of TTRP, which he co-founded with current Director T. Sasitharan. Our company’s creative philosophy is driven by a passion to cultivate global cultural sensitivity, steeped in the multiculturalism reflecting Singapore, so as to contribute dynamically to the current world’s identity of diversity. For each production, we will aim for a stimulating creative exchange among artists and draw on one or many easily-forgotten / neglected Asian memories and the associated dogmas, beliefs, traditions and heritages - not from the "museumized" and limited ‘official’ versions – so as to truthfully comment on contemporary questions regarding living in a modern world.
一个荟集了29位‘剧场训练与研究课程’毕业生的剧场组合。成员横跨11个国家 - 新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、香港、澳门、中国、台湾、日本、印度、波兰和墨西哥。
受惠于已故戏剧家郭宝崑先生和现任院长沙士德兰的教诲,我们秉持着相同的创作理念,致力于发展多元文化剧场,更希望持续探索‘剧场训练与研究课程’ 扎实的培训法。
浸濡于新加坡的多元文化环境,我团的创作宗旨在于培养对国与国之间的文化敏感度, 积极地挖掘全球文化的多重差异。每一次的演出制作,我们要探索的是,在人类历史上被遗忘或被忽略的回忆,以及其相关的传统、制约、信仰、教条等, 从而真实地反映当今社会的现象。
blog: http://www.thespiritplay.blogspot.com/
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