我从一开始就参与人文学院大楼的蓝图讨论,很能够感受到人文学科训练的老师,在投入建筑构思的过程中所显露的人文关怀。不过,这些抽象的人文性,不知道是不是会在建筑落成后,具体的展现出来。 也许,不仅是作为硬体的建筑,而是整个人文学院环境的创造和经营,更能够显示人文的精神吧。从这个角度来说,人文学院最后是不是让人感觉具有人文性,那是全体老师和同学,到时共同努力才会完成的呢。
近来,随着先后 Can B 旁SPMS楼的完工、Can A 的脱位、人文楼的成形,心头涌出了
THE Music Basking On Campus DREAM
A little dream.
I see a corner on campus, equipped with simple setups of a simple stage area, where students play the guitar or the keyboard, or doing an aca pella with beatbox, singing their works of original compositions; foreign counterparts, seranading with their favourite folksongs or even childhood rhymes, and downstage passers-by recollecting that same piece of rhyme in their first languages; Professors, coming on stage to dedicate a song to an admired someone of the teaching staff office located at the other end of the spine, north or south; Canteen stallholder, coming forward to karaoke a hokkien favourite to his/her heart's content in between the peak hours and endless scoopings of the bachor mee.
Something like that.
A little dream. A little vision if you may call.
Would you join me in this venture. Of bringing the abovementioned into our school campus.
Friends have informed me how terrible the administration work involved is going to be. How horrible liasing work is going to be. How difficult it is going to be, to find more like-minds to get going.
Well, something is burning. Passion is. It has been a while. A very long while. I will see how far this will take me.
And lastly, if you are interested, please drop a smile and say a big hi. I will appreciate serious players in this game of transcending reality to bring on the dream.
待` 与同梦人系缘。
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