Saturday, 24 April 2010



几天前,岛国的教育部长说,探讨(也就是已经决定,迟早要实行的意思)小六会考总分里,母语成绩比重要有所调整(也就是降低的意思)。这两天,facebook 上时不时就出现对于这则新闻的回应。从前没有 facebook,还不能感受到,原来伤痛的结果,反应这么大,这么广泛。

有人说,这是一个 political decision. 这种说法,从前每一次出现类似的宣布,都会有人提出。然后有人说,看来大选就要来了。什么叫做政治决定?那就是政策的推出,会带来政治的好处。老实说,我不敢说这真的是政治决定,或者是务实的政策,又或者是有远见的政策。政治决定的意思,就是迎合大多数人的愿望或喜好。其结果必然是使得少数人的权益受到挫折。这点岛国政府很清楚:没有一个政策或决定,是所有的人都得到好处的,必然有少数人被牺牲。这是一个残酷而不得不承认的现实。不过,少数人,minority, 不一定是数目比较少的,而可能是声音比较小,或者权力比较小的,在数目上,很可能是 majority.



Facebook 中很快的在传着一个网上请愿书,是写给教育部长的公开信,传达不要降低小六会考中母语成绩比重的意见。我感到很高兴也很自豪的是,这个请愿行动,是南大中文系的同学T发动的。许多朋友和学生,在 facebook 已经表达了不满和难过。T能够自动自发的转化成具体行动,而又有那么多人响应,很让我感动。


阿豪 said...

仁哥, 还有哪!

Junwei said...

Hey Sy Ren,
I tried signing the petition a few times but encountered this message every time:
"You have already signed this petition. If you believe this is an error, please wait 24 hours and try again."
Even if I tried another email account, it's still the same.
Strangely, the website shows that I have logged-in and "welcomes" me with my First Name-Last Name and yet didn't register my vote.
Read a message on the website that the creator of the petition noticed this problem and seeks others to report of the situation. However, there is no contact address.
Do you mind helping to pass the message please?
Thank you.
P.S. Wanna let others know about this too. Pardon the long message.

柯思仁 said...


I suspect it might be a IP address problem caused by Singnet. The website logged each signature with each unique IP address but if I'm not wrong all IP addresses are assigned by Singnet randomly. Thus it happens that the previous user who had the same IP address had already signed the signature and thus you are unable to do so. A possible solution is to change the IP address, and please contact your internet service provider if you have problem changing it. Another possible solution is for you to go to any public library or any public places with wireless@sg and try to sign your signature at the petition website using public computer or your own wireless device.