2nd-4th April 2009
Creative Cube @ LASALLE
Quah Sy Ren’s insightful, original and critically-acclaimed contemporary play explores alienating aspects in modern urban society. Scenes of diverse characters on the margins of society making fragile connections with each other - while another lone traveler seeks to make himself invisible.
Directed by Peter Sau featuring the Graduating Actors from the BA (Hons) Acting programme in a collaboration with the BA (Hons) Technical Theatre programme.
TICKETS @ http://www.gatecrash.com.sg/
《市中隐者》首演于1996年,由郭庆亮导演。1997年,在台北屏风表演班小剧场演出,也是郭庆亮导演。2000年,第三次演出,由沈鹏耀导演。这一回,苏佳亮导演,LASALLE 同学呈献,是第四次的演出了。可惜,我要到美国开会,无法看到。有看的读者,看了之后,请在这里留言,让作者感受一下现场的效果吧。