如果你没有看过必要剧场的作品,尤其是黄金搭档 Haresh Sharma 与 Alvin Tan, 那你没有看过新加坡最好的剧场。他们请我去看 preview, 可惜刚好有公务在身,无法出席。据看过的朋友说起,都是强力推荐的呢。
The Necessary Stage celebrates the award-winning collaboration of Director Alvin Tan and Playwright Haresh Sharma with a provocative new work.
Kartini and Juliana are not your typical mother-daughter pair - one loud and overbearing, the other straitlaced and on the threshold of entering politics. Together, they are Gemuk Girls and proud of it.
One day, they receive shocking news about Kartini’s father who had been arrested and detained in the 1960s. Suddenly the floodgates of the family’s emotional past are thrown open. Can a family survive as they struggle to reconcile the past with the present? Will Kartini and Juliana continue to be Gemuk Girls?
Gemuk Girls is a bold and often darkly humorous look at family politics and the politics of the day.
Director: Alvin Tan
Playwright: Haresh Sharma
Cast: Aidi 'Alin' Mosbit, Najib Soiman, Siti Khalijah
Multimedia Designer: Loo Zihan
Set Designer: Vincent Lim
Lighting Designer: Helmi Fita
29 Oct - 1 Nov & 6 - 8 Nov, 8pm 1 - 2 Nov & 8 - 9 Nov, 3pm
The Necessary Stage Black Box
$27 $22* * Concessions for students, senior citizens and NSF
Advisory: Mature Theme (16 years and above)
Tickets are available through the SISTIC hotline at 6348 5555, via the SISTIC website at www.sistic.com or at any SISTIC authorised agents islandwide. Information on discounts and concessions can be found on the SISTIC website.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Friday, 26 September 2008
我从一开始就参与人文学院大楼的蓝图讨论,很能够感受到人文学科训练的老师,在投入建筑构思的过程中所显露的人文关怀。不过,这些抽象的人文性,不知道是不是会在建筑落成后,具体的展现出来。 也许,不仅是作为硬体的建筑,而是整个人文学院环境的创造和经营,更能够显示人文的精神吧。从这个角度来说,人文学院最后是不是让人感觉具有人文性,那是全体老师和同学,到时共同努力才会完成的呢。
我从一开始就参与人文学院大楼的蓝图讨论,很能够感受到人文学科训练的老师,在投入建筑构思的过程中所显露的人文关怀。不过,这些抽象的人文性,不知道是不是会在建筑落成后,具体的展现出来。 也许,不仅是作为硬体的建筑,而是整个人文学院环境的创造和经营,更能够显示人文的精神吧。从这个角度来说,人文学院最后是不是让人感觉具有人文性,那是全体老师和同学,到时共同努力才会完成的呢。
Thursday, 25 September 2008
“剧场艺术”讲座系列 ④
主讲人:许慧玲 [戏剧盒 众伙人 (NeNeMAs) 助理艺术总监]
讲座内容:论坛剧场 Forum Theatre
茶霓思剧团 http://ntuzwxdrama.blogspot.com 主办
日期:26/09/2008 (星期五)
地点: NTU,HSS Seminar Room 9
讲座内容:论坛剧场 Forum Theatre
茶霓思剧团 http://ntuzwxdrama.blogspot.com 主办
日期:26/09/2008 (星期五)
地点: NTU,HSS Seminar Room 9
C 从香港寄来的信件中,夹着一张绿茶茶袋的包装。他写道:“what do they intend to say here? is it a slip of the mouth?” 箭头指向包装纸上的那行橙黄色的文字。这里牵涉的是 intention 和 interpretation 的问题。
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
戏剧盒 · 白色空间之编剧系列 II
详情:为期18 个月的剧本引导创作室
报名截止日期:2008 年10月15日
随着编剧系列 I 的剧本迈向另一个里程碑,我们也要开始为新一批的剧本展开孵化工作。
4 位经验丰富的本地编剧柯思仁、张子健、黄浩威和李世炬将担任《编剧系列》的引导者。他们会各自负责引导1至2位参与者的创作。引导者将会以交流、辅导的方式和参与者进行为期18个月的孵化过程。这期间,每位参与者也将会有至少两次的剧本演读会。
地址:14A-C Trengganu Street, Singapore 058468
电邮: blancspace@dramabox.org
1. 一篇不超过500字的剧本简介或原创故事节录。
2. 一篇个人介绍,以让引导者们能更了解申请者的背景及想创作剧本的理念。
3. 一篇关于您对戏剧盒的了解及印象的短文。
4. 表达希望向那位引导者受导的意愿及原因。
欲知更多详情, 请查阅: http://blancspaceplaywright.blogspot.com
目前为戏剧盒艺术工作伙伴。曾经编写、执导的作品有《继续便秘》(编、导),《逃亡》(与郭庆亮联合执导)、《Hazy Love 97》、论坛剧场 《吃饱了吗?》、《在晴朗的一天出发》(2002)及《我的香蕉你分给别人吃》(1999)。他在2000年联合执导的《静静燃烧的夜》,也深受媒体的好评。
目前在初级学院任教,除诗歌、散文与剧本创作外,也写社会与戏剧评论。著有书信散文集《如果岛国,一个离人》(与柯思仁合著),以及散文与社会评论集《查无此城》。浩威与Alfian Sa’at合编的多语舞台剧《逃亡》获海峡时报Life! 戏剧奖最佳剧本提名。其他剧作包括《禁事(不可考)》、《欲望岛屿》(Life! 戏剧奖最佳原创剧本提名)。《如果岛国,一个离人》也被改编成舞台剧《独在家乡为异客》,于2006年新加坡艺术节搬演。
现任十指帮总舵主,近期编导的剧包括第5届Life!戏剧奖最佳剧作 Furthest North, Deepest South 和荣获第6届Life!戏剧奖最佳导演奖的 Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea 。他在1998年创作的 Pan Island Expressway (PIE) 受到广大的注目,并让他获得新加坡剧作家奖一等奖。子健也在2006年获颁国家艺术理事会的青年艺术家奖。
详情:为期18 个月的剧本引导创作室
报名截止日期:2008 年10月15日
随着编剧系列 I 的剧本迈向另一个里程碑,我们也要开始为新一批的剧本展开孵化工作。
4 位经验丰富的本地编剧柯思仁、张子健、黄浩威和李世炬将担任《编剧系列》的引导者。他们会各自负责引导1至2位参与者的创作。引导者将会以交流、辅导的方式和参与者进行为期18个月的孵化过程。这期间,每位参与者也将会有至少两次的剧本演读会。
地址:14A-C Trengganu Street, Singapore 058468
电邮: blancspace@dramabox.org
1. 一篇不超过500字的剧本简介或原创故事节录。
2. 一篇个人介绍,以让引导者们能更了解申请者的背景及想创作剧本的理念。
3. 一篇关于您对戏剧盒的了解及印象的短文。
4. 表达希望向那位引导者受导的意愿及原因。
欲知更多详情, 请查阅: http://blancspaceplaywright.blogspot.com
目前为戏剧盒艺术工作伙伴。曾经编写、执导的作品有《继续便秘》(编、导),《逃亡》(与郭庆亮联合执导)、《Hazy Love 97》、论坛剧场 《吃饱了吗?》、《在晴朗的一天出发》(2002)及《我的香蕉你分给别人吃》(1999)。他在2000年联合执导的《静静燃烧的夜》,也深受媒体的好评。
目前在初级学院任教,除诗歌、散文与剧本创作外,也写社会与戏剧评论。著有书信散文集《如果岛国,一个离人》(与柯思仁合著),以及散文与社会评论集《查无此城》。浩威与Alfian Sa’at合编的多语舞台剧《逃亡》获海峡时报Life! 戏剧奖最佳剧本提名。其他剧作包括《禁事(不可考)》、《欲望岛屿》(Life! 戏剧奖最佳原创剧本提名)。《如果岛国,一个离人》也被改编成舞台剧《独在家乡为异客》,于2006年新加坡艺术节搬演。
现任十指帮总舵主,近期编导的剧包括第5届Life!戏剧奖最佳剧作 Furthest North, Deepest South 和荣获第6届Life!戏剧奖最佳导演奖的 Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea 。他在1998年创作的 Pan Island Expressway (PIE) 受到广大的注目,并让他获得新加坡剧作家奖一等奖。子健也在2006年获颁国家艺术理事会的青年艺术家奖。
Sunday, 21 September 2008
这家草根书室,开设在小坡书城斜对面,国家图书馆正对面的一座商业大厦(North Bridge Centre)的三楼。跟目前常看到的那些超级书局,如 Page One, Kinokuniya 等等相比,店面不大,种类也不那么多元(草根大概没有烹饪方面的书吧)。不过,这些年来,却是喜爱人文书籍的读者,尤其是南大、国大、教育学院的中文系的老师和学生,喜欢光顾的地点。主要原因,可能是这里的文学、历史、思想方面的书,比较集中,也比较多偏向学术的著作。中文系的老师常去草根,想要某些书而找不到,就会请老板英先生帮忙订购,以后,这些老师们请自点名的书籍,往往就会有一两本摆在书局的架子上了。
Thursday, 18 September 2008
“I am Queen” Review
By Valerie Oliveiro, August 19, 2008, in The Urbanwire
History never looked so juicy before. The untold tale of the 50’s Cabaret Queen, Betty Yong, unravels multitudes of unscrupulous men, misfortunes and her struggle to survive. Ogled at by many; she loved the attention. Yet when sincerely loved by few, can she answer a simple question “Do you love me too?”
As black and white footage crackled to life so too did the tale of Betty Yong, the Queen of Cabaret. The old film, supported by archived news reports served well in establishing the 50’s era.
Large white panels slid about the stage; revealing characters, removing props (almost magically) and changing scenes. It was behind these moving panels that actresses Koh Wan Ching, Sia Eemien and He Le Miao swapped roles. The three actresses took on the role of Betty Yong: a highly challenging task, but well executed. The swift moving panels contributed well to smoothen the segue between interchanging roles.
Le Miao portrayed the timid and frightened young Betty who was married off to 63-year-old impotent Uncle Guang. Visuals were off the mark in this scene. Explicit, no. Racy, yes. In your face, yes. Visuals for this scene featured a wobbly 3m phallic structure that an old man (Uncle Guang, no doubt) circled. While Le Miao told of her tragic wedding night when she was groped by Uncle Guang, a large image of a hand creepily crawled down on the panel behind her.
Theme of moral decadence
Moral decadence was questioned time and time again throughout the play. Has Singapore opened its doors to moral decadence? The struggle is experienced by the few men who truly loved Betty: how can they be righteous men in society when their lover is none other than the Cabaret Queen? Angrily, Betty shouts out, “sanctimonious teacher… and myself, the epitome of sin!”
The movement in the 50’s against decadence was reiterated with old news headlines projected on the screens and a humourous chinese opera-like play called ‘Beware the Leery Wolf‘. Accompanied by the chinese drum, gong and cymbals (click to hear what they sound like), the cast transformed into a pig-tailed young girl, two hunters and a big bad wolf. The audience burst into laughter repeatedly throughout the play. It was wordless but effective.
The most haunting scene of ‘I am Queen’ was when all three actresses took the stage as Betty Yong. A dying raped Betty lay in red lights onstage while eerily singing the popular 40’s song, ‘Wo Yao Ni De Ai’. Betty, on her first day at the brothels, appears confused. Then Betty takes the stage as the Queen of Cabaret. The revisitation of these scenes all at one go, heightened by the eeriest rendition ever heard of ‘Wo Yao Ni De Ai’ made ‘I am Queen’ end with room for discussion.
What went amiss
We wanted to delve into the character of Betty Wong, not skim through it. Speaking to the audience after the show, UrbanWire found out they felt the same way. “This story is often untold. I wanted to know what struggles she goes through and how she deals with them,” shared poly student, Benjamin Lee.
On the theme of moral decadence, Tricia Yeo, mentioned that she found herself empathising with Betty’s righteous lovers. “It was a tough for her lovers to live the life of a righteous man in society by day and by night became the lover of a cabaret queen. I would have loved to see how he wrestled with his dilemma - that would have been admiring to watch.”
Our Verdict
UrbanWire gives ‘I am Queen’ 3.5 out of 5 stars for its excellent direction that captured our attention for the whole 90 minutes. The moving panels deserve an A+ in set design for its seamless movements. The trio who played Betty Yong took their character seriously and lit the stage with their fiery focus. The mini play about the wolf within the play was a comedic, light filler to the 90 minute play. Overall, well done to writers Quah Sy Ren and Liu Xiaoyi for their cleverly written lines and Wu Xi for his superb direction!
History never looked so juicy before. The untold tale of the 50’s Cabaret Queen, Betty Yong, unravels multitudes of unscrupulous men, misfortunes and her struggle to survive. Ogled at by many; she loved the attention. Yet when sincerely loved by few, can she answer a simple question “Do you love me too?”
As black and white footage crackled to life so too did the tale of Betty Yong, the Queen of Cabaret. The old film, supported by archived news reports served well in establishing the 50’s era.
Large white panels slid about the stage; revealing characters, removing props (almost magically) and changing scenes. It was behind these moving panels that actresses Koh Wan Ching, Sia Eemien and He Le Miao swapped roles. The three actresses took on the role of Betty Yong: a highly challenging task, but well executed. The swift moving panels contributed well to smoothen the segue between interchanging roles.
Le Miao portrayed the timid and frightened young Betty who was married off to 63-year-old impotent Uncle Guang. Visuals were off the mark in this scene. Explicit, no. Racy, yes. In your face, yes. Visuals for this scene featured a wobbly 3m phallic structure that an old man (Uncle Guang, no doubt) circled. While Le Miao told of her tragic wedding night when she was groped by Uncle Guang, a large image of a hand creepily crawled down on the panel behind her.
Theme of moral decadence
Moral decadence was questioned time and time again throughout the play. Has Singapore opened its doors to moral decadence? The struggle is experienced by the few men who truly loved Betty: how can they be righteous men in society when their lover is none other than the Cabaret Queen? Angrily, Betty shouts out, “sanctimonious teacher… and myself, the epitome of sin!”
The movement in the 50’s against decadence was reiterated with old news headlines projected on the screens and a humourous chinese opera-like play called ‘Beware the Leery Wolf‘. Accompanied by the chinese drum, gong and cymbals (click to hear what they sound like), the cast transformed into a pig-tailed young girl, two hunters and a big bad wolf. The audience burst into laughter repeatedly throughout the play. It was wordless but effective.
The most haunting scene of ‘I am Queen’ was when all three actresses took the stage as Betty Yong. A dying raped Betty lay in red lights onstage while eerily singing the popular 40’s song, ‘Wo Yao Ni De Ai’. Betty, on her first day at the brothels, appears confused. Then Betty takes the stage as the Queen of Cabaret. The revisitation of these scenes all at one go, heightened by the eeriest rendition ever heard of ‘Wo Yao Ni De Ai’ made ‘I am Queen’ end with room for discussion.
What went amiss
We wanted to delve into the character of Betty Wong, not skim through it. Speaking to the audience after the show, UrbanWire found out they felt the same way. “This story is often untold. I wanted to know what struggles she goes through and how she deals with them,” shared poly student, Benjamin Lee.
On the theme of moral decadence, Tricia Yeo, mentioned that she found herself empathising with Betty’s righteous lovers. “It was a tough for her lovers to live the life of a righteous man in society by day and by night became the lover of a cabaret queen. I would have loved to see how he wrestled with his dilemma - that would have been admiring to watch.”
Our Verdict
UrbanWire gives ‘I am Queen’ 3.5 out of 5 stars for its excellent direction that captured our attention for the whole 90 minutes. The moving panels deserve an A+ in set design for its seamless movements. The trio who played Betty Yong took their character seriously and lit the stage with their fiery focus. The mini play about the wolf within the play was a comedic, light filler to the 90 minute play. Overall, well done to writers Quah Sy Ren and Liu Xiaoyi for their cleverly written lines and Wu Xi for his superb direction!
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
我答应同学,下个学期会开一门新课。现在决定开的是 HC363. 主要是给大三和大四的同学。课程介绍如下:
HC363 新加坡社会与文化研究
HC363 新加坡社会与文化研究
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Sex and the Invisible City
Review of I Am Queen by Ng Yi-Sheng in Flying Inkpot Theatre Review
I Am Queen sold out all its seats a day before opening night. Not a huge surprise: sex sells, and The Theatre Practice had no qualms about marketing this show as a steamy exposé of Singapore as sin city in the '50s, tracing the tale of stripper Betty Yong (fictional, but obviously based on the legendary Rose Chan) as she writhes her way through the turbulent politics of the era.
But bad news, chums: this show just wasn't sexy. The strippers never flashed any real skin - instead, they sported dowdy flesh-coloured bodysuits under their bright skimpy outfits. They didn't pole-dance, either (as the poster image tantalisingly promised) - all we got to see were cutesy cha-cha steps interspersed with novelty acts, against an overused audio backdrop of the bouncy period song "Wo Yao Ni Di Ai" ("I Want Your Love").
What went wrong? We'd expected this to be a play centered on the cabaret culture of Beauty World, Gay World, Happy World and all those other disappeared dance hall-cum-amusement parks. Given that I Am Queen utterly failed to replicate the raucous atmosphere of this setting, shouldn't it get an automatic zero on our scale?
Nope. You see, as problematic as the presentation was, this show was about far more than the lives of dancing girls. Rather, it was about women: specifically, about women who lived in an age when they had nothing to trade for their livelihoods but their bodies.
Betty Yong was really less a character than a cultural survey; this idea was emphasised through the use of an interchangeable trio of actresses to play all female roles. Over a non-linear array of scenes, we traced the cabaret star's progress from orphan to child bride to beauty pageant contestant to dancer to kept woman to lover - and it didn't matter in the least that the story diverged suddenly into tales of forced prostitutes, artists' models and rape victims. Even when characters shifted bodies mid-scene and we couldn't be sure whose story belonged to whom, this simply reinforced the idea that we were observing womanhood oppressed; unable to truly express individuality.
Because of this dramatic strategy, the cast was able to portray the world of Chinese Singapore in the '50s with both breadth and intimacy: snooty art dealers and impotent towkays rubbed shoulders with gangsters and fugitive journalists; Greedy widows morphed into student anti-vice campaigners; policemen became toyboys in sequined pants. I really dug that sense of variety - rather than celebrating a heroine on a pedestal, playwrights Quah Sy Ren and Liu Xiaoyi had decided to create a history of the common man/woman, marking the intersections between the domestic and the political - which was, in the end, what the feminist movement was always about.
Certain episodes stood out. He Le Miao's consistently outstanding performance was epitomised in a a Cantonese monologue where she described Betty's youth and early marriage, shifting characters between her adult self and her hunchbacked old foster mother. I also adored a certain scene where a woman who has been kidnapped and thrust into prostitution encounters the man she once loved. Brutally emotional yet also restrained, this scene allowed both characters unexpected moments of dignity in the midst of shame.
Winning the audience vote, however, was the play within the play, a comic retelling of the fable of the yellow wolf and the clever farm girl, performed to hilarious effect by a troupe of innocently idealistic Chinese school students. Complete with drums, cymbals and absurd wolf-costumes, this was The Theatre Practice at its classic best.
I find I'm also a fan of one of the penultimate scenes of the play, where Koh Wan Ching played Betty at a moment where she had to choose between her career and her love: a moralistic schoolteacher who adored her but detested her profession. "I am what I am," she said to him, before deciding to leave in the middle of the night.
It's the very concept of this that I love. Earlier in the play, we'd seen the clash between the cabaret world and the rigid, moral, doctrinaire Singapore that would grow in influence over the next few decades. Here, however, the relationship was played out with affection: the teacher teasingly clasping Betty's legs as he helps her hang the laundry out to dry.
It's a portrait of a generation. As much as my Chinese-educated mother scorns sex workers and go-go girls, she's still nostalgic for the glitzy fun of the old amusement parks, where such bad women bred in abundance. It's impossible to be completely immune to the romance of those bygone times - and of the strong, independent women like Rose Chan who were actually able to survive and prosper in such a culture.
Mind you, the script of this play wasn't flawless. Betty Yong's character described herself as "queen of the dance world" so many times she sounded like a broken record. A few other critics found it unnecessarily wordy, burdened by the need to explain the historical context. (Personally, I thrive on that stuff, but I can see how it could slow things down for others.)
Director/set designer Wu Xi also gets a mixed grade for his set. Mostly, it was original and versatile: white panels, sliding lengthwise across the stage, behind which actresses may change costumes or characters, or personas may shift from one actress to another. Between scenes, these panels also doubled as projection screens, with old Chinese newspaper headlines flashed across them (an especially nice touch at the end, when we read of how when the PAP gained power in 1959 they cracked down on the various cultures of vice in which these women thrived). What was problematic was the appearance of a giant hollow paper penis, which the actors really couldn't find a good use for in the play. On the multiple occasions it made an appearance, one couldn't help but be distracted by such an extraneous prop.
In the end, after all, audiences in Singapore are already familiar with the raunchy and the explicit in drama - shows like 251, Cabaret, The Magic Fundoshi and the upcoming The Vagina Monologues celebrate unfettered sexuality with a degree of publicity and exposure that rivals the '50s. Once you've used sex as bait with your advertising, it's not only important to make good on the promise of sex - it's also vital to grab the opportunity to teach audiences something they don't know already, to enlighten, to redeem.
So yes, I Am Queen deserved a better staging, where audiences might once again experience the lively rush of a local cabaret performance. But more importantly, The Theatre Practice managed to communicate something of the conflict and crisis of the times - the battle of men and women over women's bodies, played out in a city that we've forgotten about too soon.
First Impression
Quah Sy Ren and Liu Xiaoyi have put together a great script, not only telling the story of '50s cabaret dancer Betty Yong (an obvious homage to the real-life stripper Rose Chan), but also exploring the entire sphere of Chinese womanhood in that era of Singapore. The women of the play are interchangeably performed a trio of versatile actresses, metamorphosing from rape victims to child brides to beauty pageant contestants, nude photographers' models and forced prostitutes - a panoply of humanity, bartered and sold based on the only thing the world wants from them: their bodies. Notably, though, the playwrights tell their tales with tenderness and respect, giving these women a sense of dignity and pride that complicates the standard narrative of exploitation. I'm also impressed by the set, allowing actors hide and vanish behind sliding panels that double as projection screens. In fact, the only thing that seriousy peeves me is the failure of the play to generate a sense of bawdy, noisy, rambunctious bustle in its cabaret scenes - a big flaw, considering that the show begins, ends and often revisits the cabaret.
I Am Queen sold out all its seats a day before opening night. Not a huge surprise: sex sells, and The Theatre Practice had no qualms about marketing this show as a steamy exposé of Singapore as sin city in the '50s, tracing the tale of stripper Betty Yong (fictional, but obviously based on the legendary Rose Chan) as she writhes her way through the turbulent politics of the era.
But bad news, chums: this show just wasn't sexy. The strippers never flashed any real skin - instead, they sported dowdy flesh-coloured bodysuits under their bright skimpy outfits. They didn't pole-dance, either (as the poster image tantalisingly promised) - all we got to see were cutesy cha-cha steps interspersed with novelty acts, against an overused audio backdrop of the bouncy period song "Wo Yao Ni Di Ai" ("I Want Your Love").
What went wrong? We'd expected this to be a play centered on the cabaret culture of Beauty World, Gay World, Happy World and all those other disappeared dance hall-cum-amusement parks. Given that I Am Queen utterly failed to replicate the raucous atmosphere of this setting, shouldn't it get an automatic zero on our scale?
Nope. You see, as problematic as the presentation was, this show was about far more than the lives of dancing girls. Rather, it was about women: specifically, about women who lived in an age when they had nothing to trade for their livelihoods but their bodies.
Betty Yong was really less a character than a cultural survey; this idea was emphasised through the use of an interchangeable trio of actresses to play all female roles. Over a non-linear array of scenes, we traced the cabaret star's progress from orphan to child bride to beauty pageant contestant to dancer to kept woman to lover - and it didn't matter in the least that the story diverged suddenly into tales of forced prostitutes, artists' models and rape victims. Even when characters shifted bodies mid-scene and we couldn't be sure whose story belonged to whom, this simply reinforced the idea that we were observing womanhood oppressed; unable to truly express individuality.
Because of this dramatic strategy, the cast was able to portray the world of Chinese Singapore in the '50s with both breadth and intimacy: snooty art dealers and impotent towkays rubbed shoulders with gangsters and fugitive journalists; Greedy widows morphed into student anti-vice campaigners; policemen became toyboys in sequined pants. I really dug that sense of variety - rather than celebrating a heroine on a pedestal, playwrights Quah Sy Ren and Liu Xiaoyi had decided to create a history of the common man/woman, marking the intersections between the domestic and the political - which was, in the end, what the feminist movement was always about.
Certain episodes stood out. He Le Miao's consistently outstanding performance was epitomised in a a Cantonese monologue where she described Betty's youth and early marriage, shifting characters between her adult self and her hunchbacked old foster mother. I also adored a certain scene where a woman who has been kidnapped and thrust into prostitution encounters the man she once loved. Brutally emotional yet also restrained, this scene allowed both characters unexpected moments of dignity in the midst of shame.
Winning the audience vote, however, was the play within the play, a comic retelling of the fable of the yellow wolf and the clever farm girl, performed to hilarious effect by a troupe of innocently idealistic Chinese school students. Complete with drums, cymbals and absurd wolf-costumes, this was The Theatre Practice at its classic best.
I find I'm also a fan of one of the penultimate scenes of the play, where Koh Wan Ching played Betty at a moment where she had to choose between her career and her love: a moralistic schoolteacher who adored her but detested her profession. "I am what I am," she said to him, before deciding to leave in the middle of the night.
It's the very concept of this that I love. Earlier in the play, we'd seen the clash between the cabaret world and the rigid, moral, doctrinaire Singapore that would grow in influence over the next few decades. Here, however, the relationship was played out with affection: the teacher teasingly clasping Betty's legs as he helps her hang the laundry out to dry.
It's a portrait of a generation. As much as my Chinese-educated mother scorns sex workers and go-go girls, she's still nostalgic for the glitzy fun of the old amusement parks, where such bad women bred in abundance. It's impossible to be completely immune to the romance of those bygone times - and of the strong, independent women like Rose Chan who were actually able to survive and prosper in such a culture.
Mind you, the script of this play wasn't flawless. Betty Yong's character described herself as "queen of the dance world" so many times she sounded like a broken record. A few other critics found it unnecessarily wordy, burdened by the need to explain the historical context. (Personally, I thrive on that stuff, but I can see how it could slow things down for others.)
Director/set designer Wu Xi also gets a mixed grade for his set. Mostly, it was original and versatile: white panels, sliding lengthwise across the stage, behind which actresses may change costumes or characters, or personas may shift from one actress to another. Between scenes, these panels also doubled as projection screens, with old Chinese newspaper headlines flashed across them (an especially nice touch at the end, when we read of how when the PAP gained power in 1959 they cracked down on the various cultures of vice in which these women thrived). What was problematic was the appearance of a giant hollow paper penis, which the actors really couldn't find a good use for in the play. On the multiple occasions it made an appearance, one couldn't help but be distracted by such an extraneous prop.
In the end, after all, audiences in Singapore are already familiar with the raunchy and the explicit in drama - shows like 251, Cabaret, The Magic Fundoshi and the upcoming The Vagina Monologues celebrate unfettered sexuality with a degree of publicity and exposure that rivals the '50s. Once you've used sex as bait with your advertising, it's not only important to make good on the promise of sex - it's also vital to grab the opportunity to teach audiences something they don't know already, to enlighten, to redeem.
So yes, I Am Queen deserved a better staging, where audiences might once again experience the lively rush of a local cabaret performance. But more importantly, The Theatre Practice managed to communicate something of the conflict and crisis of the times - the battle of men and women over women's bodies, played out in a city that we've forgotten about too soon.
First Impression
Quah Sy Ren and Liu Xiaoyi have put together a great script, not only telling the story of '50s cabaret dancer Betty Yong (an obvious homage to the real-life stripper Rose Chan), but also exploring the entire sphere of Chinese womanhood in that era of Singapore. The women of the play are interchangeably performed a trio of versatile actresses, metamorphosing from rape victims to child brides to beauty pageant contestants, nude photographers' models and forced prostitutes - a panoply of humanity, bartered and sold based on the only thing the world wants from them: their bodies. Notably, though, the playwrights tell their tales with tenderness and respect, giving these women a sense of dignity and pride that complicates the standard narrative of exploitation. I'm also impressed by the set, allowing actors hide and vanish behind sliding panels that double as projection screens. In fact, the only thing that seriousy peeves me is the failure of the play to generate a sense of bawdy, noisy, rambunctious bustle in its cabaret scenes - a big flaw, considering that the show begins, ends and often revisits the cabaret.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
一整天出席一个学术会议,是由国大 Asia Research Institute 主办的 Chineseness Unbound. 下午是我的演讲。晚上,主办者设宴招待主讲者,不过,我没有参加。为什么?因为我要赶回南大,参加中文系一年一度的中秋节晚会。
Sunday, 7 September 2008
眼前所见的情况是,所有访客(的确也写“All Passports”)的柜台都只有两三个人在排队,而唯一的给居民的柜台,以及两个自动通关机,都排了长龙。可是,一旁的海关人员,却都站在一旁的柜台后,冷眼旁观,毫无行动。显然的,他们相信系统已经完善,所以人就不需要任何行动了。
他们完全依赖系统,而我却对于他们作为一个“人”可以有的 initiative 有所期待。正是这种落差,使我感觉到有一点失望,也使我没有感受到作为一个回国的人所应该受到的善待。
亲爱的读者,这种情况,会不会让你们想起目前在上映的动画电影 WALL-E 中的那艘太空飞船 AXION 里的情况?我们的太空飞船上的 captain 和乘客,是不是已经被全自动的机器所操控,而丧失人的自主性?我们是不是永远也回不了地球?
眼前所见的情况是,所有访客(的确也写“All Passports”)的柜台都只有两三个人在排队,而唯一的给居民的柜台,以及两个自动通关机,都排了长龙。可是,一旁的海关人员,却都站在一旁的柜台后,冷眼旁观,毫无行动。显然的,他们相信系统已经完善,所以人就不需要任何行动了。
他们完全依赖系统,而我却对于他们作为一个“人”可以有的 initiative 有所期待。正是这种落差,使我感觉到有一点失望,也使我没有感受到作为一个回国的人所应该受到的善待。
亲爱的读者,这种情况,会不会让你们想起目前在上映的动画电影 WALL-E 中的那艘太空飞船 AXION 里的情况?我们的太空飞船上的 captain 和乘客,是不是已经被全自动的机器所操控,而丧失人的自主性?我们是不是永远也回不了地球?
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
刚刚下了飞机,来到机场的海关,看到写着 visitors 的柜台前,稀稀落落的排了好几排(大概所有的柜台都开了)。可是那个写着 welcome home 的柜台(只开了一个),以及自动化的两个检验机前,却排了相当长的人龙。
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